When someone you love becomes a memory, that memory becomes a treasure.
So I got a special treat tonight, Kassie Jo, my beloved sweet precious cousin (who is more of a sister that a cousin) suprised me, but first a little back ground.
Kassie and Jesse got married in October of 2007. My mom was not able to make the wedding and had left a voicemail for her on my aunt Pam's boyfriend's phone. She more or less just said she was really sorry she couldn't come because of some family drama that was on - going and that she would get Kassie and Jesse a wedding gift on her next pay check. Well, that never happened. Mom, never got to get them that gift or get her next paychek.
I don't know the exact date that this message was left, but it was it was not too long before the car accident that took my mom's life.
Well, I got to hear that message just a few minutes ago. Bless Kassie Jo's heart, and now I am a bawling again, but in a good way. I just wanted to hear her voice again. It is so unfair, I feel like I can just pick up the phone and call her up, just like I always did. She sounded so alive and like old her cranky - sweet self in that message.
God, wherever that sweet lady is tonight, if you can tell her how much I still miss her, even 5 months later. I don't think the pain and heartache will ever go away. People say it gets better and easier with time, but I disagree. The more time goes on, the more I miss her and am mad that she is gone and not here with me. I know with my all my heart that she is in a better place but it does not take away from the heart-ache and pain I am suffering.
So, thanks again Kass. I needed to hear that. I needed to be reminded that life is short and treat every single precious moment of life, like it is, short and sweet.