Sunday, September 7, 2008

Visiting Grandma Debbie...

Today, we visited Grandma's grave. I took Jade, Ashley and Megan with me. We bought some pretty purple flowers. The girls told Grandma Debbie how much they loved her and missed her. It was really sweet.

Here are some of the pictures I took of the girls. Jade had never been to visit Grandma's Debbie before, so it was kind of sweet to see her visit with Grandma Debbie and tell her how much she loved her. Even though she wasn't Jade's grandma in the true meaning of the word, my mom was just like a grandma to her. All of the kids who knew my mom, loved her and cherished her.

Ashley told me at point that she could hear Grandma's spirit talking to her. She said Grandma Debbie told her she loved her. This was really touching and made me tear up.

It's almost been a year since I lost my mom, and it's been a really hard year with out her. I can't believe that it's already been that long. I can't help but think if she were still here what we could be doing together: she could be helping me with my yard work (she loved it), helping the girls with their homework, playing Barbie's with the girls, babystting for me... being here and part of our lives. Even though she is not physically here, I know she up there in Heaven watching over us and smiling down on us.

Love you mom!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Full Circle

I received the following poem and picture from a friend. Someone, who like me, lost her Dad quite suddenly and tragically. She always seems to find the most heart-warming poems and photos. Thanks Whitey. You are such a good friend to me. :)

I wanted to share both the wonderful words and the picture.
It has almost been a year since my mom died. It has been a really tough year. It's been a really tragic year. I lost not only my mom, my grandma, but nearly lost someone else who means the world to me. You know who you are if you reading this, and I won't elaborate too much. I love you so much, please please please know that. I can't begin to know how much you are hurting. The road you have traveled has been rocky and tough. I know how much losing mom and grandma hurts, I feel it every minute of every day, but please know we are here for you and that you are not alone in this.

Love always, Janda


You walked through my world;
In this dance we call life,
Dancing with me in joy,
Dancing with me in strife.

You gave me the song,
And gave me the chance;
To learn about love,
When you taught me to dance.

It was not just the music,
Nor the steps that we made;
But is now in sweet memories,
That never will fade.

For love was your music,
And life was your song;
You taught me the dance,
And how to be strong.

You showed me what love was,
Even in your goodbye;
Now we've come full circle,
In this dance we call life.

So, dance with the angels,
And may you find rest;
Your song's in my heart,
And my life, fully blessed.